at Redscroll Records

Here are some of the latest used arrivals at the shop. Keep in mind this doesn't include any of the CDs or many of the LPs in the general rock/pop/jazz/anything-in-the-back-room that we get in. These are the in-store prices - if you'd like to find any of these online please visit us here:
LPs & 12"s
76% Uncertain "Nothing But Love Songs" (CT) LP $40.00
Anthrax "I Am The Law" (JUDGE DREDD!) 12" $5.00
Bad Religion "Back To The Known" LP $30.00
Banque Allemande "Eins, Zwei" LP $6.00
Black Forest / Black Sea "Black Forest / Black Sea" LP $7.00
Black Heart Procession, The "Amore Del Tropico" LP $8.00
Blind Illusion "The Sane Asylum" LP $11.00
Blood For Blood "Spit My Last Breath" LP $15.00
Byrds, The "Younger Than Yesterday" LP $10.00
C.S. Yeh "Songs 2002" LP $10.00
Carter, Valerie "Wild Child" LP $6.00
Circle Jerks "Group Sex" LP $18.00
Circle Jerks "Wonderful" LP $8.00
Citizens Arrest "Colossus" LP $12.00
Coliseum "Goddamage EP" LP $8.00
Crew Devastation "We're All Going To Heaven" 12" $2.00
Cult, The "Electric" LP $5.00
D.R.I. "Dealing With It" LP $6.00
Doctor Detroit ""Doctor Detroit (Theme From)" (By Devo) 12" $4.00
Doors, The "Strange Days" LP $15.00
Dr. Know "Dr. Know" (LP + 7") LP $10.00
Duchess Of Saigon "Duchess Of Saigon" LP $4.00
Echo & The Bunnymen "The Killing Moon" (Promo Stamp On Front Of Cover) LP $6.00
Elvis Hitler "Disgraceland" LP $25.00
Fat Boys And The Beach Boys "Wipeout!" 12" $1.00
Forfeit "The Lower Depths" (White /800) LP $7.00
Gang Of Four "Songs Of The Free" LP $4.00
Guns N' Roses "G N' R Lies" LP $14.00
Guns N' Roses "Appetite For Destruction" (Skulls/Cross Cover, Scratched Out Matrix Numbers) LP $30.00
Holiday, Billie "Strange Fruit" LP $10.00
Hue Blanc's Joyless Ones "Arriere Garde LP" LP $5.00
Husker Du "Don't Want To Know If You Are Lonely" (Promo Stamped On Front Cover) LP $6.00
Husker Du "Candy Apple Grey" LP $10.00
Husker Du "Land Speed Record" LP $15.00
Husker Du "Metal Circus" LP $12.00
Husker Du "Flip Your Wig" LP $14.00
Idea Fire Company "The Fourth Dimension Is Money" (/1000) LP $18.00
Impractical Cockpit "Sounds Of Nature" LP $4.00
Impractical Cockpit "Best Of Tour Thanks Tape 2 / Audible News History" LP $6.00
Iron Butterfly "The Best Of Iron Butterfly Evolution" LP $4.00
Jackson, Michael "Thriller" (Picture Disc) LP $15.00
Johnson, Jack "Brushfire Fairytales" LP $15.00
Lenny And The Squigtones "Lenny & Squiggy Present: Lenny And The Squigtones" (With Poster) LP $9.00
Lost Generation "Censored" (CT) LP $15.00
Marley, Bob And The Wailers "Catch A Fire" LP $10.00
Meat Puppets "Up On The Sun" LP $12.00
Megadeth "Killin Is My Business And Business Is Good!" (Autographed By Full Band) LP $50.00
Menstruation Sisters "Samantha (My Wack Panther)" LP $8.00
Metallica "The $5.98 EP Garage Days Re-Revisited" LP $12.00
Metallica "Ride The Lightning" LP $18.00
Miracle Legion "Me And Mr. Ray" LP $8.00
Morrissey "Suedehead" LP $5.00
No For An Answer "A Thought Crusade" LP $16.00
Otis, Shuggie "Kooper Session (Al Kooper Introduces Shuggie Otis)" LP $8.00
Palehorse "Secrets Within Secrets" LP $15.00
Pantha Du Prince "Black Noise" LP $12.00
Polar Bear Club "Sometimes Things Just Disappear" LP $10.00
Polar Bear Club "The Redder, The Better" (Red /800) LP $12.00
Polar Bear Club "Chasing Hamburg" (Blue /600) LP $13.00
Poor School "The Unholy Master" LP $7.00
Psychedelic Furs, The "Sister Europe" LP $3.00
Queen "Flash Gordon: Original Soundtrack Music By Queen" LP $4.00
R.E.M. "Green" LP $8.00
Raptell & Alski "Street Knowledge" 12" $4.00
Raw Power "Screams From The Gutter" LP $15.00
Reed, Lou "Sally Can't Dance / I Can't Stand It" (2LP) LP $8.00
RLW "EaRLy W - Two: Nur Die Tiere Blieben Ubrig" LP $6.00
Rolling Stones, The "Exile On Main St." (2LP Unipack W/ Postcards) LP $25.00
Rorschach "Remain Sedate / Protestant" (Ltd. Ed. Black) LP $20.00
Ruchalski, Edward "Having It Out" (Lathe Cut) LP $12.00
Scorpions "Virgin Killer" (Best Buy Series Full Band Photo Cover) LP $6.00
Seizure "Is Money Your God?" (CT) LP $12.00
Sickoids "Sickoids" LP $8.00
Smiths, The "William, It Was Really Nothing" (Added Bonus: Original Owner Put The ADS Magazine Ad Inside Which Uses The Same Cover Image) LP $14.00
Smiths, The "Louder than Bombs" LP $25.00
Sonic Youth "Sister" (First Press With Uncensored Disney Image On Cover) LP $50.00
Strike Anywhere "Iron Front" (Green /100) LP $9.00
Tart "Bring The Admiral" LP $10.00
Tart "Radio Orange" LP $7.00
They Might Be Giants "They'll Need A Crane / It's Not My Birthday / I'll Sink Manhattan / Nightgown Of The Sullen Moon" LP $6.00
Total Babes "Swimming Through Sunlight" LP $10.00
Trouble "Assassin" 12" $10.00
Umberto "Welcome To The Chillzone" LP $10.00
Unborn Unicorn "Unborn Unicorn" LP $8.00
Vardis "Quo Vardis" LP $5.00
Various "A Wonderful World Of Feedback" LP $6.00
Various "Blasting Concept Volume II" LP $6.00
Various "Nuggets Vol. One: The Hits" LP $12.00
Vatican Commandos "Point Me To The End" (CT) LP $70.00
Viking Moses "The Parts That Showed" (Brown /350) LP $7.00
Watch Tower "Energetic Disassembly" LP $25.00
White Zombie "Soul-Crusher" (2nd Press On Caroline) LP $35.00
Women In Tragedy "Total Fucking Romance" LP $7.00
XTC "Drums And Wires" LP $6.00
Agitator "Walls Closing In" (Clear /263) 7" $4.00
Air Conditioning "Catneck" 7" $2.00
All Out War "Hymns Of The Apocalypse" 7" $12.00
Anne Bean / P. D. Burwell / Pulp Music "Low Flying Aircraft" 7" $6.00
Annihilation Time "Cosmic Unconciousness" 7" $3.00
ANS "Romancing The Phone" 7" $2.00
Anti-Dogmatiks "Anti-Dogmatiks (1984 & 1988 Demos)" 7" $6.00
Antietam "Antietam" 7" $3.00
Baby 63 "Quiver" 7" $2.00
Baby Gopal "…Shiva" 7" $3.00
Bad Antics "The Wave" 7" $2.00
Bad Reaction "Plastic World" 7" $2.00
Bane "Boston 6:58" 7" $5.00
Billy, Bonnie 'Prince' "Little Boy Blue" 7" $10.00
Black Flag "Nervous Breakdown" 7" $5.00
Bloodshot Hooligans "Bloodshot Hooligans" (Red) 7" $3.00
Bouncing Souls "Johnny X" 7" $3.00
Brimstone Howl "Mammon" 7" $2.00
Burn "Burn" (Black) 7" $4.00
Burn "Burn" (Yellow) 7" $6.00
C.O.P. "Ripperside" 7" $2.00
Capital "Blind Faith" 7" $3.00
Car Commercials "Prisoner Of Type" 7" $3.00
Car Commercials "Jar" 7" $2.00
Carbonas "Blackout" 7" $7.00
Cattle Decapitation "!Decapitacion!" 7" $6.00
Chinese Restaurants, The "River Of Shit" 7" $2.00
Colin Of Arabia "Snitch" (Blue/Yellow) 7" $6.00
Common Enemy "Groovy!" 7" $4.00
Computer Cougar "Computer Cougar" 7" $1.00
Concrete Facelift "Concrete Facelift" 7" $3.00
Concrete Facelift "Uuaaggghhh" 7" $1.00
Cursed "The Last Session" 7" $5.00
Dead C, The "The Dead C Vs. Sebadoh" 7" $8.00
Death Threat "Live At The Showcase Theatre" 7" $5.00
Del Rey, Lana "Video Games / Blue Jeans" (Picture Disc) 7" $15.00
Del Rey, Lana "Born To Die (PDP / 13 Remix) / Blue Jeans (Penguin Prison Remix)" 7" $7.00
Demon's Claws "Weird Ways / 9000 Feets" 7" $8.00
Direct Control "Direct Control" 7" $3.00
Doggy Style "Work As One" 7" $6.00
Double Negative "Raw Engergy" 7" $5.00
Dynasty "Animal Disregard" 7" $3.00
Dynasty "Gate" 7" $8.00
Eat And Run "American Slob" 7" $3.00
Enemies For Life "Enemies For Life" 7" $3.00
Failures "Failures" 7" $5.00
Fastbreak "Don't Stop Trying" 7" $8.00
Fear Tomorrow "Born In Blood" (Green And Red Copies) 7" $3.00
Fired Uo "When The Lights Go Out" 7" $4.00
Fuckin' Flyin' A-Heads, The "Swiss Cheese Back" 7" $5.00
German Measles "Color Vibration" 7" $2.00
Get Real "Get Real" 7" $3.00
Gorilla Biscuits "Gorilla Biscuits" 7" $4.00
Government Issue "Make An Effort EP" 7" $2.00
Government Warning "Executed" 7" $3.00
Government Warning "Arrested" 7" $3.00
Government Warning "No Way Out EP" 7" $2.00
Gross Negligence "Gross Negligence" 7" $2.00
Hatebreed "Under The Knife" (Red) 7" $13.00
Hatebreed / Neglect "Hatebreed / Neglect" (Red) 7" $10.00
Hatred Surge "Hatred Surge" 7" $3.00
Hellhound "Hellhound" 7" $3.00
Ill Ease "The Whole Sha-Bang" 7" $3.00
Imposters, The "Pool Maintenance" 7" $2.00
Innerside Burning "Innerside Burning" (/250) 7" $2.00
Integrity "Integrity" (Clear) 7" $5.00
Integrity "Walpurgisnacht" 7" $8.00
Integrity "We Are The End" 7" $4.00
Integrity / Creepout "Love Is… The Only Weapon" 7" $4.00
Integrity / Psywarfare "Integrity / Psywarfare" (PIC) 7" $4.00
Iron Lung / Hatred Surge "Iron Lung / Hatred Surge" 7" $20.00
Kandalini Nivag Retsevi "Kandalini Nivag Retsevi" 7" $3.00
Killin It! "Party 4 Ever" 7" $4.00
King Dude "Long Live The King" (Ltd. Ed. European Tour) 7" $8.00
Kulture Shock "Holy Shit EP" 7" $2.00
L'Antietam / Furnace "L'Antietam / Furnace" 7" $3.00
Le Tetsuo "Sometimes…" 7" $3.00
Let Down "Sacrifice Me" 7" $2.00
Lewis, Jenny "Carpetbaggers" 7" $2.50
Men's Recovery Project "Normal Man" 7" $3.00
Motherspeed / Retard Strength "Motherspeed / Retard Strength" 7" $1.00
N/N "Pasivos Muertos" 7" $5.00
Naysayer "No Remorse" (Clear / Red / Green / Silver) 7" $3.00
New Flesh, The "Dog / Memory Scrap" 7" $2.00
New Flesh, The "The New Flesh" 7" $2.00
New Flesh, The / Clancy Six "The New Flesh / Clancy Six" 7" $1.00
New Flesh, The / Robert Inhuman "Punch Drunk…" 7" $2.00
New Peculiars, The "The Futurismo" 7" $2.00
New Peculiars, The "Dance Music 2000" 7" $3.00
No For An Answer "You Laugh E.P." 7" $12.00
Nomos "Nomos" 7" $4.00
Penetration Camp / Slicing Grandpa "Four Flies On Grey Vinyl" 7" $3.00
Pillowtalk "Pillowtalk" 7" $3.00
Pink Reason "Borrowed Time" 7" $3.00
Pink Reason "Winona" 7" $3.00
Poison Idea "Pick Your King" (Clear) 7" $12.00
Polar Bear Club "The View, The Life" 7" $5.00
Polar Bear Club "The Summer Of George EP" 7" $7.00
Psyched To Die "Sterile Walls" 7" $2.00
Quasi "Unto Itself" 7" $3.00
Rabies "Disease Core" 7" $3.00
Rolling Stones, The "Beast Of Burden" (Promo Copy) 7" $2.00
Roman Solidiers "Roman Soldiers" 7" $3.00
Rowdy Ones / Shred Bundry "Rowdy Ones / Shred Bundy" 7" $2.00
Royal Trux "Map Of The City" 7" $3.00
Scherzo "Scherzo" 7" $3.00
Scholastic Deth "Killed By School" 7" $5.00
Seizure "All Hail The Fucking System" 7" $18.00
Slackers, The "Hannukkah" (White / Blue) 7" $5.00
Slicing Grandpa "Le Hardcore" 7" $3.00
Slicing Grandpa "4 Trak Album" 7" $2.00
Slicing Grandpa "Urination Crane" 7" $3.00
Some Kind Of Hate "Some Kind Of Hate" 7" $3.00
Sperm Wails "Lady Chatterly" 7" $3.00
Stand & Fight "Stand & Fight" 7" $3.00
Supertouch "Lost My Way" (Blue) 7" $4.00
Sweet Diesel "Sweet Diesel" 7" $2.00
Tear It Up / Down In Flames "Legless Bull E.P." (Clear) 7" $5.00
Threatener "… And The Bending Of Throats" 7" $3.00
Tippers Gore "Unsettling Loss" 7" $1.00
Touched, The "The Touched" 7" $2.00
Tribes Of Neurot / Earth "The Forest That Shelters / Filament" (Amber Vinyl) 7" $15.00
Unnatural Helpers "Dirty Dumb Comical" 7" $4.00
Vaccine "Crimes In Blood" (5") 7" $4.00
Various "1992 Hardcore (Round 2 In An Endless Fight)" 7" $8.00
Various "The Division Has Begun: Connecticut Hardcore" (Clear And White Copies) 7" $4.00
Various "Better Yet… Connecticut Hardcore - Fresh In The Summer Of 88" 7" $6.00
Various "Assault City - Syracuse Hardcore Compilation" 7" $3.00
Virgin Witch "Virgin Witch" 7" $5.00
Virgin Witch "Virgin Witch" (Grey /100) 7" $5.00
Wooden Shjips "Loose Lips / Start To Dreaming" 7" $4.00
Cassette Tapes
Arts & Crafts Building "Vol. 4" Cassette $3.50
Black Kites "XXX" Cassette $4.00
Ex-Cocaine "Age Of Time" Cassette $2.00
Negative World "Negative World" Cassette $2.00
Night Movie "$40 Oz." Cassette $4.00
Night Movie "Backward Sleep" Cassette $3.50
Paradise Sisters "Jeff Atkins No. 7" Cassette $5.00
Roof Bunny / Thoughts On Air "Terror Tapes Volume 16" Cassette $5.00
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