of New and Key Restocked Items + Reviews
at Redscroll Records

LPs & 12"s
!!! (Chk Chk Chk) "Thr!!!er" (+ D/L)
Akron/Family "Sub Verses" (Ltd. Ed. White Vinyl + D/L)
Andrew Jackson Jihad "Knife Man"
Anno Stamm "Fragments A" (+ D/L)
Appleseed Cast, The "Illumination Ritual" (+ D/L)
Arrington De Dionyso's Malaikat Dan Singa "Open The Crown"
Aybee "Worlds
Baker, Aidan With Plurals "Glass Crocodile Medicine" (/500)
Barbarella "The Hits Songs Of The Wild Movie Barbarella & Other Way Out Themes" (Soundtrack; The Young Lovers)
Beatles, The "Anthology" (2LP Gatefold)
Bicep "Stash" EP
Blaak Heat Shujaa "The Edge Of An Era" (+ D/L)
Black Jazz Consortium "New Horizon EP"
Bleak "Origins Of Chaos"
Blood Of Heroes, The "The Waking Nightmare" (Justin K. Broadrick, Submerged, Dr. Israel, Tony Maimone, Enduser, Balazs Pandi, M. Gregor Filip, Joel Hamilton, Tompa)
Body, The "Master, We Perish"
Bone Sickness "Alone In The Grave"
Brand Nubian "One For All" (2LP Reissue)
Bright Eyes "The People's Key"
Capitalist Kids, The "Lessons On Love, Sharing, And Hygiene"
Cayucas "Bigfoot" (Ltd. Ed. Colored Vinyl + D/L)
Cold World / Extortion "Cold World / Extortion"
Coliseum "Sister Faith" (+ D/L)
Connors, Loren "The Departing Of A Dream" (180 Gram + D/L /700)
Counter Intuits "Counter Intuits"
Cursed "One" (Reissue; Gatefold)
Dead Can Dance "In Concert" (3LP 180 gram Box + 3 Art Prints + D/L)
Deerhunter "Monomania" (+ D/L)
Dirty Fences "Too High To Kross"
DJ Overdose "Bizarro World" (2LP)
Drive "Drive: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (Cliff Martinez)" (Invada Import Picture Discs Version)
DRMCNT "Jin & Tronix EP"
Ergs, The "Hindsight Is 20/20, My Friend, Vol. 1"
Everyone "No Time To Waste"
Evil Conduct "Working Class Anthems"
Gruppo Di Improvvisazione Nuova Consonanza "Musica Su Schemi" (1976 Italian Experimental Collective Feat. Ennio Morricone + D/L)
Guided By Voices "English Little League" (+ D/L)
Haxan Cloak, The "Excavation" (+ D/L)
Herva "What I Feel EP"
Iron Maiden "Best of The B-Sides 1980-1984" (Picture Disc; Unofficial)
J Dilla "Lost Tapes, Reels + More - Just A Sample 4 All My Dusty Crate Diggahs"
Jebanasam, Paul "Rites"
Jjuujjuu "FRST" (+ D/L)
Joy Division "Love Will Tear Us Apart" (Alternate Versions Mastered From The Martin Hannett Tapes 1980)
K-Def "The Exhibit" (Ltd. Ed. Colored Vinyl)
King Tubby / The Upsetter "King Tubby Meets The Upsetter At The Grass Roots Of Dub"
KMFH "The Boat Party" (2LP, Kyle Hall)
Koji "Crooked In My Mind" (Ltd. Ed. Color Vinyl)
Kowton "TFB" (All Caps)
Legowelt "Elementz Of Houz Music" (Actress Remixes)(+ D/L)
Liturgy "Renihilation"
Major Lazer "Free The Universe" (Ltd. Ed. Colored Vinyl + D/L)
Master, The "The Master: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack" (Jonny Greenwood)(+CD)
Mean Jeans "Are You Serious?" (+ D/L)
Moondog "The Viking Of Sixth Avenue"
Motorhead "Motorhead" (Numbered/500 180 Gram)
Mrs. Magician "Strange Heaven" (+ D/L)
Murphy, Hakim "Murph Tone Jack Session"
P.S. Eliot "Introverted Romance In Our Troubled Minds"
Palma Violets "180" (+ D/L)
Paramore "Paramore"
Podrida, Ola "Ghosts Go Blind" (+ D/L)
Portal "Vexovoid"
Rocket From The Crypt "Group Sounds" (Ltd. Ed. RSD13 Colored Splatter Vinyl)
Rustie "Triadzz - Slasherr"
Samiam "You Are Freaking Me Out"
Savages "Silence Yourself" (Limited Clear Vinyl + D/L)
Secret Circuit "Tactile Galactics" (+ D/L With Bonus Tracks)
Shivas, The "Whiteout"
Sir Stephen "PRSM.SPLNTR"
Slayer "Live 83" (Fan Club Edition)
Solar Bears "Supermigration"
Songs: Ohia "Hecla & Griper" (First Time On Vinyl + D/L)
Spinal Tap "Break Like The Wind" (Picture Disc)
Stetson, Colin "New History Warfare Vol. 3: To See More Light" (180 Gram + Art Print Poster + D/L)
Stevens, Sufjan "The Age Of Adz" (+ D/L)
Stevenson, Laura "Wheel"
Tera Melos "X'ed Out"
They Live "They Live: Original Motion Picture Sound Track" (Alan Howarth & John Carpenter)
Thievery Corporation "El Pueblo Unido: Miguel Migs Remixes"
This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb "Three Way Tie For A Fifth"
Upsetters, The "Scratch And Company Chapter 1 The Upsetters"
Various "United We Stand: The Front Lines Of American Street Punk"
Various "It's House Not House EP" (Gray Vinyl)
Various "Khat Thaleth: Third Line: Initiative For The Elevation Of Public Awareness" (Arab Rap In The Wake Of Revolutions)
Violetshaped "Violetshaped Remixes Part 1"
Vitamin String Quartet "Performs Sigur Ros" (+ D/L With 2 Bonus Tracks)
Wax Idols "Discipline Desire" (+ D/L)
White Zombie "La Sexorcisto: Devil Music Vol. 1" (180 Gram Audiophile Pressing)
White, Paul "Street Lights (Ft. Danny Brown)"
Wolf People "Fain" (+ D/L)
Yellow Stitches "Good Times Violent Crimes"
Yesterdays New Quintet "Angles Without Edges"
Zadig "Interview With A Mad Man"
Zombie, Rob "Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor" (180 Gram Gatefold)
Cluekid "Spider Monkey / Rainy Street Light"
Mmoss / Quilt "New Hampshire Freaks Mmoss & Quilt" (+ D/L)
Stetson, Colin "Those Who Didn't Run / The End Of Your Suffering"
TMSV "Stress / Lost"
Upsetters, The "Scratch And Company Chapter 1" (RSD13 Late Arrival; Box Set)
Af The Naysayer "Imagerial Denouement" (Ft. Myka Nine)
Barwick, Julianna "Pacing Call"
Coke Bust / Vaccine "Coke Bust / Vaccine"
Coliseum "Sister Chance EP" (+ D/L)
Cruel Hand "Vigilant Citizen"
Dead Ghosts "I Sleep Alone / Spot A Trend"
Francis Harold & The Holograms "Hang The Goat / Invisible Empire"
Highway Cross "Run Dry"
Huge "Huge" (Ltd. Ed. Colored Vinyl + D/L)
Hunted Down "Life's Womb E.P."
Joy Division "Love Will Tear Us Apart" (Alternate Versions Mastered From The Martin Hannett Tapes 1980)
Kids On A Crime Spree "Creep The Creeps"
Loma Prieta / Raein "Loma Prieta / Raein"
Melvins "Tanx" (Fan Club Edition)
Misfits "Halloween" (Fan Club Edition)
Misfits, The "Cough/Cool / She" (Fan Club Edition)
Numerators "Dead // Finally Sees"
Paint It Black "Invisible" (+ D/L)
Palma Violets "We Found Love"
Queers, The / Killtime "Alive!"
Schuh~Pink~Cowboy (Shuh Pink Cowboy) "Cloak & Dagger"
UH Bones "Only You"
Abyssal "Novit Enim Dominus"
Altar Of Plagues "Teethed Glory & Injury"
Black Jazz Consortium "Codes And Mataphors"
Blunt, Dean "The Redeemer"
Body, The "Master, We Perish"
Deerhunter "Monomania"
Haxan Cloak, The "Excavation"
JK Flesh "Posthuman"
Machinedrum "Room(S) Extended" (2CD)
Public Enemy "It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back"
Queens "End Times"
Qwel & Maker "Beautiful Raw"
Savages "Silence Yourself"
Stooges, Iggy And The "Ready To Die"
Versalife "Vantage Point"
Chris Colohan "No He Is Not Sleeping" Zine
Lewis Dimmick "This Music: Pieces On Heavy Metal, Punk Rock & Hardcore Punk" Book
Kevin Stewart-Panko & Justin Smith "Do You Have Anything To Declare?" Book
The Haxan Cloak Excavation

In that space where dark ambient finds itself a bit of an optimist, this is where I find myself meeting the Haxan Cloak. Synths layer low with high stabs and high-to middling melodies above muted thuds and assorted generally slow and at times meandering percussion. There's a Resident Advisor podcast (http://www.residentadvisor.net/podcast-episode.aspx?id=359) wherein the first line reads, "Joy O meets Sun O))) in a thrilling collision of sounds," so there you have it. That's right in my wheelhouse, as they say.
[Reviewer: Rick]
Jerusalem In My Heart Mo7it Al-Mo7it

Active in Montreal’s music scene since the 90s, Radwan Ghazi Moumneh has spent eight years leading this ever-changing project that combines traditional Arabic music with experimental electronica. Its visually striking performances happen only once or twice a year, with the number of members ranging between one and thirty-five - never sounding the same twice. On this album, titled to mean “Ocean of the Ocean,” the hypnotic, adventurous sounds come from a trio consisting of Moumneh, French producer and musician Jérémie Regnier and Chilean visual artist & filmmaker Malena Szlam Salazar. Despite not being particularly familiar with the music of Western Asia, this proved to be a very compelling journey into the unknown. From the very first second of the opening track, with a title that translates to mean “Speak of the Woman in the Black Robe,” Moumneh envelops the atmosphere by singing a song that truly sounds straight out of ancient Arabia, backed with a shadowy synth drone that evolves into an orchestra-like melody when his voice ceases toward the end. Later tracks such as “3andalib Al-Furat (Nightingale of the Euphrates)” and “Dam3et El-3ein 3 (Oh Tear of the Eye 3)” rely on very complex, free-sounding string arrangements – most on a harp and buzuk – to convey the feeling of flowing down a Fertile Crescent river in the morning, complete with birds singing. The third track – meaning “He Titillates the Shepherd, but not the Sheep…” – is a particularly interesting evolution of old and new, with Moumneh singing over fast-paced synth that sounds like a spaceship.
[Reviewer: Mark]
As ever, if you're viewing from a non-drivable distance please check what we have for sale (these titles and more) at http://www.discogs.com/seller/Redscroll.
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