at Redscroll Records

LPs & 12"s
Adult "The Way Things Fall" (+ D/L)
Ancient Chinese Secret "Caveat Emptor"
Anonymous "Inside The Shadow" (Tip-On Jacket)
Batillus "Concrete Sustain"
Beau Navire "Lumens"
Black Dog, The "Tranklements" (3LP)
Blitz "Time Bomb: Early Singles And Demos Collection"
Blue Daisy / Unknown Shapes "Used To Give A F*ck"
Blunt, Dean "The Redeemer"
Bone Dance "Bone Dance"
Bonobo "Black Sands Remixed" (3LP + D/L)
Brian Jonestown Massacre "… And This Is Our Music (Tomorrow's Heroes Today)"
Cale, John & Friends "Live At The Ocean Club In New York, July 21, 1976" (Yellow Vinyl)
Captain, We're Sinking "The Future Is Cancelled" (Ltd. Ed. Color)
Caretaker "Persistent Repetition Of Phrases"
Caretaker "An Empty Bliss Beyond This World"
Caretaker "Patience (After Sebald)"
Charlatan "Equinox"
Cindytalk "A Life Is Everywhere"
Coh "Retro 2038" (2LP Gatefold)
Cosmin TRG "Gordian" (2LP Gatefold)
Dalhous "An Ambassador For Laing"
Death Cab For Cutie "Narrow Stairs"
Deviation Social "Tempus / Deathwatch 'From End To Beginning' Vol. 2" (+ D/L)
Dungeonesse "Dungeonesse" (+ D/L)
Ernestus, Mark / Ben Zabo "Wari Vo Dubwise"
Fitz And The Tantrums "More Than Just A Dream"
Gordon, Peter & Factory Floor "Beachcombing Cside"
Greiner, Svarte "Black Tie" (+ D/L + Poster)
Hooker, John Lee "Burnin'"
Human Mess "Follow You Home"
Hypnolove "Ghost Carnival"
Innercity "Terrestreality"
Invisible Hands "Invisible Hands" (2LP; 1 Album 2 Languages/Slightly Different Mixes)
James, Skip "The Complete 1931 Session" (180 Gram)
Je Suis Le Petit Chevalier "L'Enfant Sauvage"
Johnson, Otis G. "Everything: God Is Love '78 (Holy Spirit)"
Jones, Glenn "My Garden State"
Joy Division "YMCA 2-8-79" (180 Gram + Poster Insert)
Kareem "Porto Ronco"
Kavinsky "Outrun" (Ltd. Ed. Book Sleeve Version With Exclusive Images)
Kid Cudi "Indicud" (3LP Gatefold + D/L)
Klosowski, A.K. / Pyrolator "Home Taping Is Killing Music" (180 Gram)
Knife, The "Silent Shout" (2LP)
Letherette "Letherette" (2LP)
Marcelus "Emerald EP"
Mayer, Michael "Mantasy Remixe 2"
Menomena "Mines" (+ D/L)
Mind Over Mirrors "High And Upon"
Moore, Steve "Horror Business" (RSDUK13 Red Vinyl)
Mpala Garoo "Ou Du Monde"
Otis, Shuggie "Freedom Flight" (180 Gram)
Parks, Van Dyke "Super Chief" (RSD13 Delayed Title)
Pharmakon "Abandon" (+ D/L)
Praxis "Profanation: Preparation For A Coming Darkness" (+ D/L)
Pure X "Crawling Up The Stairs"
Queens "End Times"
Ricky Fitts "Wizard Lisp"
Roach, Max / Clifford Brown "Daahoud"
Roedelius "Offene Turen" (180 Gram)
Sagor & Swing "Botvid Grenlunds Park"
Saltland "I Thought It Was Us But It Was All Of Us" (180 Gram + Poster + D/L)
Satanic Threat "In To Hell" (Color Vinyl)
Seasick "Ouroboros"
Seaven Teares "Power Ballads" (+ D/L)
Shitlickers, The "1982"
Small Black "Limits Of Desire" (Ltd. Ed. On White Vinyl + D/L)
Stellar Om Source "Elite Excel"
Terranova "Painkiller EP"
Tidal / Rambutan "Tidal / Rambutan"
Time Is A Mountain "Time Is A Mountain"
Vampire Weekend "Modern Vampires Of The City" (Indie Exclusive Ltd. Ed. White Heavyweight Vinyl + D/L)(Out For Sale On Tues. 5-14-13)
Var (War) "No One Dances Quite Like My Brother" (+ D/L)
Various "Good God! Apocryphal Hymns" (2LP Gatefold)
Various "Panorama Bar 05" (Fred P, Juju & Jordash, Big Strick)
Various "Kenya Special: Selected East African Recordings From The 1970s & '80s" (3LP + 7" + D/L With 8 Extra Tracks)
Various "Nigeria Special: Part 2 Modern Highlife, Afro-Sounds & Nigerian Blues 1970-6" (2x180 Gram LP + D/L)
Vondelpark "Seabed" (+ CD)
Walo Shatan Gwari "African Music Village"
White Lung "It's The Evil"
White Stripes, The "White Blood Cells"
White Stripes, The "De Stijl"
Aeges "Roaches / Dirt" (Brown Vinyl)
Bibio "A Tout A L'Heure"
Caged Animal "Caged Animal"
Creative Adult "Bulls In The Yard"
Daylight "Run For Cover Acoustic Series #3"
Gaslight Anthem, The "Forty-Five / You Got Lucky"
Arial Pink "Thrash And Burn" (Late-90's Music Concrete Project; 2CD)
Ark Of The Covenant "Self Harvest"
Iron And Wine "Ghost On Ghost"
Iron Fist Of The Sun "Who Will Help Me Wash My Right Hand"
Orchestre Poly-Rythmo De Cotonou* "Volume 3 The Skeletal Essences Of Afro Funk 1969-1980"
Vampire Weekend "Modern Vampires Of The City" (Out For Sale On Tues. 5-14-13)
Var (War) "No One Dances Quite Like My Brothers"
Mass Appeal Issue 52 Magazine
Ex Cops True Hallucinations
(Other Music)
On their debut full-length, this Brooklyn quintet is all about feeling good with its half hour of mellow, dream pop-tinged indie rock. Formed as a duo in 2011, vocalists Amalie Bruun (formerly of Minks) and Brian Harding (formerly of Hymns, and also a guitarist and keyboardist) first released a short-run CD-EP and later a seven-inch featuring two of its tracks, which also made it to this album. Both “You Are a Lion, I Am a Lamb” and “The Millionaire” showcase a catchy summertime atmosphere, sounding like ethereal surf-pop that can be sunny and energetic or cool and subdued. I personally have a strong liking for the Beach Boys-esque “Spring Break (Birthday Song;)” a driving mid-tempo acoustic number that’s about as easy-going as it gets.
[Reviewer: Mark]
Iron Reagan Worse Than Dead
(Magic Bullet/A389)
It’s no surprise that this Richmond, Virginia punk band is all about thrashing fury, as it features members from Darkest Hour and Municipal Waste (the latter of which is the most comparable to its sound.) They blaze through 19 under-two-minute songs with an intense, buzz-saw rush similar to that of crossover thrash forefathers Cro-Mags and D.R.I., incorporating elements of both punk and metal. Their targets include everyone from “religious” scammers (“I Predict the Death of Harold Camping,”) to “The Debt Collector” who leeches off people who need medical care, to lawmakers who make it too easy to maniacs to obtain weapons, with the “Two Examples” being the Virginia Tech and Aurora theater shootings. It’s fitting to have topical commentary for these uneasy times.
[Reviewer: Mark]
Pharmakon Abandon
(Sacred Bones)
Power electronics is male dominated. Pharmakon is a project of a female (Margaret Chardiet). There, that's out of the way. I have some experience with p.e. and recordings of it. Much of the time the recordings are piss poor and that is a lot of the charm ("charm") much of the time (much of the time [muchuchch ofofvvv thethethhhuhuhuu timeimeimemmmm]). Here's where this recording is different and here is perhaps why this divergence is getting so much recognition (aside from that first thing I mentioned). This recording is meticulously well produced. It's a noise record, let's understand that. It's not "Pet Sounds" or any such polished pop album. It is however not a Grey Wolves or Con-Dom or Deathpile or Anenzephalia (not even the newest one) or any number of artists' album though it does owe a debt to all of them. It's powerful and angry and noisy and honestly a bit all over the place from song to song; it's all within the p.e. spectrum mind you. It's never boring.
[Reviewer: Rick]
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